Thursday 9 February 2017


 Gently nudging a new Bifocals project into action with a nice pint and a natter about books and his new record with Tom James Scott, a visit to Cecil Sharp House in March to look at their journals and articles, and planning a performance of sorts  with DJ Ste Tyson and Sound recordist / musician Damo Rose at Barrow Dock Museum in April.  

Bob Fisher and Alex Blackmore are working on the  Human Organs which will be making appearances throughout the year. And the Walney Sound Calendar project with Natural England and South Walney Infants is up and running too.  Meanwhile, there's a great review of the "Four Short Guitar Tunes .." 45 from Byron Coley in March's  WIRE mag. Cheers a fellow up no end, this. Doubly so as I bash around on dulcimer and plastic keyboard towards some ideas for  another record...looking forward to  tomorrow morning's recording with Cumbrian Traditional musician and songwriter Mike Willoughby.  Good piece on  Aine O'Dwyer in there too, Aine was outstanding at FON in Barrow 2 years ago, and it's an interesting account of where she's been and where she's at.