Friday 10 July 2020

FLYPAPER. Vernacular and ritual.

This is something that has come out of the Ritual Exchanges project on vernacular and ritual.

Flypaper is a quarterly (at least) foldout newsprint tabloid.
Each ish looks at 1 topic, and combines text with a 2-page poster-image.

This first 3 look at clunky right-wing memes, the folk process as seen in school playgrounds and comment / dissent and otherwise  in football zines and forums (hence salmon pink paper, older readers.) I've tried a demo out on a few people, had some good suggestions and ideas so its probably ready.  Not like anyone has anything else to concern them right now, is it?
It's not an open forum as such, but the plan is to do them in collaboration where possible. Of these first three, the second was done with poet Kate Davis. Possible future shed into Tiki lounge, online folklore and fbook / forum moderation, Hallowe'en, fairgrounds and outdoor celebrations....

 There is a full colour Flypaper in the works as part of Ritual Exchanges, but I want to do the tabloid separately and without applying to funding organisations. I'm looking for collaborators , subscribers and outlets. A tenner ( minimum??) gets you a minimum four issues plus postage and other stuff I put in the envelope. Otherwise, 2 quid a copy at events - as and when, and if -  and any outlets I can find. It's a bit glitchy and it'll probably stay that way. I'm hoping eventually for a maximum run of 200 in order to keep space under the bed for other follies.

Intrigued? Contact me at  and we can discuss it and, if you're interested in subscribing  I'll send a paypal link or arrange a dead-drop or similar.

cheers one and all